Food Cooking

Summer is a wonderful time of the year to fall in love. The weather is warm. Flowers are blooming. Perhaps, you’re in a new, exciting relationship. To show your new significant other how much you care about him or her, consider cooking a romantic dinner for two at your home. Serving delicious Italian food is a wonderful option. For instance, you might want to prepare a traditional spaghetti and meatball entrée. Or, you may wish to cook a scrumptious lasagne. Don’t forget the garlic bread. Fixing a crisp, green salad is also a great idea. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best Italian dishes to prepare for a romantic meal. Enjoy!

Be A Better Griller With These BBQ Tips

24 July 2017
 Categories: Food & Cooking, Blog

Grilling is one of those tasks that seems as if it should be easy. However, cooking up a savory barbecue meal isn't always simple. You need to perfect your grilling techniques and ensure each bite is packed with the right flavors in order to be a barbecue master. Work on your grill game with these suggestions. Don't Press Burgers When cooking burgers, you want to retain moisture and juices so that the meat doesn't dry out and you end up with hard food that's tough to chew. Read More …

Camping And Backpacking With Keurig Pods

18 July 2017
 Categories: Food & Cooking, Blog

Keurig pods are a great solution for light coffee drinkers as well as for anyone with limited kitchen space. Their versatility allows people to make coffee, cocoa or tea, or even heat the exact amount of water for a packet of instant oatmeal. It also makes it possible to have a variety of different coffee flavors on hand. Keurig pods are also handy when travelling away from home.  K-cup pods tuck easily into any backpack for easy transport without weighing down the bag. Read More …

Mexican Appetizers and Meals That Won’t Ruin Your Low-Carb Diet Plan

7 June 2017
 Categories: Food & Cooking, Blog

Characterized by consuming high levels of protein and fats without any sugar and starches, low-carb diets are effective options for losing weight. Eating bacon, steak, eggs, and butter may not seem like a smart way to lose weight, but studies prove high fat, low-carb diets are effective for long term success in many patients. Unfortunately, one of the most difficult parts of following this diet plan is eating out at certain restaurants. Read More …

About Me
A Romantic Dinner for Two

Summer is a wonderful time of the year to fall in love. The weather is warm. Flowers are blooming. Perhaps, you’re in a new, exciting relationship. To show your new significant other how much you care about him or her, consider cooking a romantic dinner for two at your home. Serving delicious Italian food is a wonderful option. For instance, you might want to prepare a traditional spaghetti and meatball entrée. Or, you may wish to cook a scrumptious lasagne. Don’t forget the garlic bread. Fixing a crisp, green salad is also a great idea. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best Italian dishes to prepare for a romantic meal. Enjoy!
